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#Elections2024: Your vote is your voice

"This election is about choosing a government that will work for its people."

After 30 years of democracy, South Africa yet again heads to the polls to vote for a government that takes care of its citizens.

South Africans are facing many challenges, some of which are unemployment, crime, corruption, high cost of food and fuel, poor health facilities and low pass rates in education.

Jay Bridglall of Port Shepstone shares his views and thoughts on the election. “It’s important that citizens come out in their numbers on May 29 to vote for the party of their choice. History has shown us that due to apathy, many people stay away on voting day. The message to all those undecided voters is to at least exercise their right to vote.”

He appeals to the younger generation, the ‘Born Frees’, that there is hope and that the future belongs to them.

“South Africa needs you more than ever before. When exercising your right to vote, don’t vote for a politician but for a party that will make a difference to your well-being and future generations. Don’t become emotional and listen to the propaganda in the news and social media of the various parties to attract your attention.”

He urged all to vote with their conscience.

“Many of the citizens are concerned about service delivery issues, which sometimes get confused with national issues. This election is about choosing a government that will take its people into consideration, lead the country and instil hope for a better life for all,” said Jay.


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