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New rescue buoy installed in Pennington

The Umdoni Retirement Village residents are thanked for this sponsorship.

The National Sea Rescue Institute gives a massive thanks to the residents of Umdoni Retirement Village, Pennington, for sponsoring an NSRI Pink Rescue Buoy.

The buoy was installed on the beach at the Impithi Kiosk in Pennington last Thursday.

NSRI has hundreds of Pink Rescue Buoys installed at beaches and inland water locations in an effort to prevent drowning and save lives in South African waters.

As per the NSRI, these buoys have been valuable in helping save more than 180 lives since their inception in November 2017.

NSRI Station 39, Rocky Bay, reminds the local community to always ensure that after being used, the buoy is placed back on the pole it was taken from in order to save another life.

The public is also encouraged to report missing Pink Rescue Buoys to the nearest NSRI station, and if you find one, return it to your nearest station.

If anyone is interested in sponsoring a Pink Rescue Buoy, email pinkrescuebuoys@searescue.org.za


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