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GOOD TO KNOW: Political unrest flyer – here is what you should know

The fuss on social media about the Zuma flyer has been explained.

A flyer circulating on social media had recently South Africans worried about potential riots unfolding on Saturday, May 25.

However, it turned out to be a relatively quiet weekend, the last one before the May 29 elections.

Fidelity Services Groups released a statement titled ‘Umkhonto weSizwe and Jacob Zuma’ on Wednesday, May 22.

It stated that the potential of riot has increased drastically on the Constitutional Court decision to exclude former president Jacob Zuma from standing for office, given Zuma’s support base, and risk of repeating the 2021 July unrest.

Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Communications and Marketing at Fidelity Services Group, clarified that the document was distributed to Fidelity’s corporate clients and somehow had gone viral.

Hannes Dippenaar, who is in charge of South Coast Disaster Community Group, which has more than 5000 people of the groups, said its intelligence ‘didn’t find anything on the ground’.

“If we get information that is confirmed, we will put it out onto the groups,” he said. Dippenaar is also the public relations officer for the Community Police Forum’s Margate Cluster.

The flyer which was circulated.

Hattingh reminded votes to remember important basic safety measures on voting day, the same that you follow on any other given day.

“Large numbers of people will be out and about and this means that being aware of your surroundings is as important as ever,” she said.

She offers tips and advice for Election Day.

  • Before leaving, make sure your house is properly locked and secured. Don’t leave any gap or chance for an opportunistic criminal to gain access. This includes closing any windows that lead onto the street; make sure they are closed so that no one can quickly grab valuable items that are close at hand.
  • Leave the valuables at home. You don’t need to take flashy jewellery or other expensive items with you, but don’t forget your ID documents and perhaps a pen.
  • There is safety in numbers. If you have a neighbour who is also on their way to vote, you can consider asking if they want to walk or drive with you to the voting station. It’s a good way of getting to know your neighbours and it provides an extra level of security. Keep in mind that you might have an elderly neighbour who chose not to use one of the special voting days, and they might really appreciate you offering to accompany them to go make their mark.
  • When you get to the voting station, park your car in a safe place and lock all doors before you leave your vehicle. Don’t think that just because you will only be inside the station for a few moments it is OK to leave the doors unlocked.
  • On your way back, make sure there is no one following you. If you see any unfamiliar vehicles following you as you get to your gate, consider taking another trip around the block first. If the vehicle keeps following you, call your armed response company or make your way to the closest police station.

“The Saps will have a heightened presence across the country on the day, especially at voting stations. It is a good idea to still be alert to any suspicious activity and to ask for help if you for example see unknown people loitering in the vicinity. Ask your security company if they have a mobile panic alarm that you can carry with you or a similar app that can be downloaded on your phone,” says Hattingh.

“It all starts with taking ownership for your own safety and being alert to what happens around you at all times. Opportunistic criminals are always on the lookout for ‘soft targets’ in places where large numbers of people gather. You can be a lot safer by simply paying attention to what happens around you on Election Day.”

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