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#Elections2024: What I would change in SA

Mid-South Coast locals give their take on the upcoming elections.

Mid-South Coast locals give their take on the upcoming elections.

They spoke about why it’s important to vote and noted what changes they would like to see in the country:


Voting empowers young people to use their voice in shaping the future that will impact their lives, and by engaging in the democratic process, they actively influence policies, leadership and the direction of their communities.

I would like to witness a country after elections, where every job-seeking South African is able to find one, with leadership that prioritises the youth and policies that improve education and provide economic opportunity for every citizen.

If I were president for a day, I would focus on implementing targeted initiatives to address youth unemployment, such as offering more training programmes for practical skills, incentivising youth entrepreneurship, and partnering with the private sector to create more job opportunities.

Ekta Somera.


I believe that it is very important to cast your vote.

After this election, I will expect to see our municipality creating jobs for everyone, and not just their friends and families. The most important, and what will be the most interesting to see, is a new party taking over. The ANC needs some rest.

If I were to be president, even for a day, I would stop giving people that R350 grant and create jobs instead.

Xolani Mbutho.


Yes, it is important to vote.

I hope after the elections the corruption and bribery will stop. I also hope that there is more job creation.

If I were president for a day, the first thing I would do is to increase all grants, build RDP houses for the poor, fix all the roads and make sure people have water and power all the time.

Thandi Moqwena.


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