#Elections2024: Voters must go to the polls

Voters need to know a party's manifesto, as well as its track record, and whether it has experience in governance or not.

As South Africa approaches the 2024 national and provincial elections, the nation finds itself at a crossroads.

Dr Lubna Nadvi, a senior lecturer in political science and international relations at the University of KwaZulu-Natal shares her thoughts on why South Africans should cast their vote.

“It is important to vote because a new government can only be elected into office (in order to respond to and fix current problems) when voters go to the polls. We need to vote in order to have a say in who governs us, as well as ensure that we keep the parties that hold ideologically problematic positions out of office. Yes, it will make a difference as the collective electorate’s voice is heard when the majority of the voters choose specific parties to govern them. If they choose representatives who have integrity and will follow through on their support base’s demands, then their votes will have translated into action,” said Nadvi.

Also, the political analyst and community activist added that voters need to know a party’s manifesto, as well as its track record, and whether it has experience in governance or not.

“New parties that have not had experience in governance are not necessarily prepared for the job of running a country. However, they can bring new and fresh perspectives and may need to be given a chance to govern. Their ability to do so will depend on what they say in their manifesto,” she said.


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