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#Elections2024: Youth encouraged to make their mark

An Umkomaas resident believes the government needs to focus more on its future leaders of SA.

Umkomaas resident Sky Oyama (26) hopes the outcome of the upcoming elections has a more positive effect on the youth of South Africa.

Oyama, who is part of the YDRS Innovation NPC, which serves to give school-going learners work experience, believes that it’s important for every South African to vote, especially the youth.

“If all young people could cast their votes, we could see positive change instead of complaints,” he said.

“I believe most of the youth would vote for a party that has their priorities at heart. The worst thing is that if we do not vote, automatically our votes will go to the party in power.”

With regard to the challenges South African youth most commonly face, Oyama said that there are little resources that are effective and efficient to empower the youth.

“The government needs to focus more on us, the future leaders of this country.”

An example of some of the youth-related matters that Oyama believes require more attention are job creation and better service from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme.

“I feel for South Africa, and I hope I won’t be around to witness the fall if the ANC is still in power,” said Oyama.

“We need change and a party that has the interest of youths at heart.”

After the elections, he hopes to see a different party in power with new ways to evolve, innovate and build a better South Africa.

“If I had the opportunity to be president, I’d employ more of the youth in Parliament because they are full of innovative ideas that could grow the country.”


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