Young and old clean Oslo beach

Bags of rubbish was picked-up from the beach.

The Oslo beach clean-up organised by Port Shepstone Rotary Club was a resounding success.
Dee Dickens, whose portfolio for the club is environment, said they were amazed by the wonderful turn-out.

A total of 57 learners plus a whole lot of adults took to the beach kitted with gloves and filled 32 bin bags with litter.

Thuli Machi took all the plastic bottles to recycle.

Four schools sent learners, namely Marburg Secondary, Creston College, Port Shepstone High and Port Shepstone Secondary.

“We are so grateful to all the parents, teachers, and learners who helped,” said Dee.

Thuli Machi, who runs a recycling initiative, only took plastic bottles for recycling, which filled the back of her bakkie.

The pile of rubbish collected from the beach and bagged.

The next clean-up will be at Shelly Beach Ski-Boat Club on March 16 from 15:00 to 17:00.

An Alien Invasive Plant removal project will be held at the Bendigo Conservancy (Leka’s in Southport) on March 16 from 08:00 to 11:00.

Port Shepstone High’s (from left) Ameera Asmal, Sitara Chetty and Prosper Phiri at the clean-up.

Everyone is invited to come help make a difference to the environment.
Contact Dee on 071 8662129.

Creston College learners (from left) Nalu Mtengwane, Azande Nyamende, Kimaya Pillay and Priyanka Judnarain do their bit for the environment.


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