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Beach safety tips for swimmers

Take note of the following beach safety tips supplied by the National Sea Rescue Institute.

With the summer heat here to stay, its always a good idea to visit one of the tranquil South Coast beaches to cool off.

“With our Blue Flag beaches, world-class dive sites, and the highest number of tidal pools in the province, it’s unsurprising our coastline is a firm favourite with visitors,” said Deborah Ludick, of the South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise.

“To ensure all our breakaway visitors are safe while on our shores, we’re sharing vital beach safety tips supplied by the National Sea Rescue Institute.”

1. Only swim at beaches where lifeguards are on duty: The South Coast has 58 beaches, but it’s important to note that lifeguards are only on duty at selected beaches with times varying from beach to beach. Check whether there is a lifeguard on duty before entering the water and listen to lifeguards’ advice.

2. Only swim between the designated flags: All beaches monitored by lifeguards will have designated yellow and red flags to indicate where you should swim.

3. Never drink alcohol before swimming: Swimming while intoxicated is dangerous as you are more inclined to take risks you normally wouldn’t. You could also pass out, or injure yourself and drown.

4. Never swim alone: It’s best to swim with a friend so that you always have someone who can help if you need it or if you are unable to wave down the lifeguards yourself.

5. Adult supervision is vital for children: Parents and caregivers must always supervise their children near and in the ocean. Children must be watched at all times. It’s important to remember that drowning is silent.

6. Call for help if you witness a bather in distress: If you see someone in difficulty in the ocean, call a lifeguard or dial the nearest NSRI station or 112 from your phone. Throw a lifebuoy or other flotation device to the bather in distress until emergency help arrives. If you attempt a bystander rescue, do so only if you can swim and have a flotation device with you. Tell someone on the beach to call 112 before you go in.

7. Beware of inflatable toys: Lightweight inflatables such as boats or lilos should not be used at the beach or on dams where currents and wind can blow them (and you) offshore. They are extremely dangerous and should only be used in a swimming pool with adult supervision.

8. Beware of rip currents: Rip currents can move at speeds of up to 2m per second. Ranging in width from just a few metres to a hundred metres, they pull to just behind where the waves form and then lose their power. If you are caught in a rip current, the most important thing to remember is not to panic. Swim slowly and conservatively out of the current or relax and let it carry you out past the breakers until it slacks.

9: Beware of spring tides: At every full moon and every new moon, spring tides occur causing the two daily high tides to be higher than normal, and two daily low tides to be lower than normal. Spring tides may cause stronger than normal rip currents and risks may be increased at the tide change, when the high tide peak recedes towards low tide. Be especially cautious around the coastline when there are spring tides, but bear in mind every day rip currents form at different locations around the coast constantly and are always a risk factor.


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