Bridge needed as river is danger to learners

A young learner who cannot be named said she has failed some tests because she could not get to school to write them.

After nearly 30 years of democracy, communities are still crossing rivers to get to work, schools and clinics.
The people of Odadeni in KwaQoloqolo in Mtwalume under Umzumbe Local Municipality deal with this daily struggle, before they get to their destination.

Children have to remove their uniform every morning, as not to get them drenched, to cross the Mtwalume River before they head off to school.

From young girls and boys to high school learners, they have had to face this daily ordeal, more so after heavy rains.

A young learner who cannot be named said she has failed tests because she was unable to get to school to write them.

“After it rains, we cannot cross because we are scared we will drown. I have missed tests and failed.”

Parents help their children to cross the Mtwalume River to get to school.

On cold days, these learners still have to undress with their books on the backs, to cross the river
Smangele Msani of Ward 9 said they are unable to cross after it rains.

“All our needs require us to cross this river, including seeking medical assistance.”

Msani said that their daily routine is to help the children to cross the river, so they can safely get to school.
It has also become difficult for pregnant women.

“We witnessed a woman almost giving birth as she struggled to cross. We have reported the issue and pleaded a number of times with the authorities, but all our efforts have fallen on deaf ears.”

Mbongeni Myende who also resides in the same ward said the community had also asked for a road. It was started, but not completed.

“They later told us that the budget was depleted and that they would continue once funds became available. They also promised to build a bridge.”

Myende said another big challenge is that after a person dies, the body has to be carried to the main road.

“I also had to take my child to the hospital after he got injured while crossing the river to school. We have asked many times for a bridge but till this day we are still putting our lives at risk.”

The community pleads with the government to build a bridge before they lose their children.
The spokesperson for the municipality, Sabelo Ncwane, said engagements have been held with the Department of Transports (DoT).

“Once a bridge is built, it will lead to three roads and two of those roads are DoT roads. We have also seen the need for a bridge but it requires special resources that cannot be provided by the municipality, only the department.”

Ncwane said they are holding meetings and trying to help the community as best as they can.
He also mentioned that he was contacted by the Office of the Presidency which intends to intervene in the matter.
When asked if a temporary solution cannot be provided, he said a walkway bridge is available but it is a lot further away.

“Our priority is to get things right before we lose a child in the river.”

Smangele Msani helps her children cross the river every morning.


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