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Tourism optimism

As a general rule the South Coast has seen an equal to upward trend and most business owners are feeling optimistic

VICKY WENTZEL – director of Wozani Africa Events

“Our Ramsgate New Year’s Eve (NYE) event was exceptionally well supported by locals and visitors, with record numbers being reflected for a KZN South Coast NYE Party. As a general rule the South Coast has seen an equal to upward trend and most business owners are feeling optimistic. We believe that many visitors left early because of the bad weather over some of our beach festival days.”

Vicky Wentzel.

STEPHEN HERBST – Tidy Towns Shelly Beach to Margate

“Tidy Towns Shelly Beach to Margate truly feels that the season we have experienced this festive season is nothing short of brilliant. Despite the financial crunch and the terrible stigma surrounding Durban beaches being contaminated with sewage, our beaches have been incredibly clean and inviting, thanks to the hard work of our dedicated team.”

Stephen Herbst and Scott Kvalzvig from Tidy Towns Shelly Beach to Margate at the Margate Mardi Gras.

PHELISA MANGCU – CEO of South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise

“While the official tourism statistics will only be released later this month, we have received favourable responses from our bigger tourism establishments, with many noting 100% occupancy rates over the Christmas and New Year period.”

Phelisa Mangcu.

FRANCE ZAMA – spokesman from Ugu District Municipality

“The adopted Festive Season Preparedness Plan championed by the leadership of the municipality remained a lodestar towards the attainment of the municipality’s commitment of providing a stable supply of water and sanitation services during the festive season. And the successful implementation of this plan yielded positive outcomes geared towards accelerating the municipality’s response to reported emergencies coupled with the effective deployment of appropriate technical and human resources.”

France Zama.


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