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Bendigo group needs more helping hands

Learn about nature every Wednesday.

Lovers of the Bendigo Conservation Group (BCG) gather every Wednesday to keep the little reserve, inland on Hazel Road in Southport, well-kept and thriving.

The group needs more helping hands and is appealing to residents and other interested parties to get involved, send workers or attend themselves.

Wednesday’s ‘Work Party’ sessions are between 09:00 and 15:00 (weather permitting) and they are for anyone interested in learning more about nature, and assisting with maintaining the reserve.

Joan Gallagher, chairperson of the group, said they manage the ‘site of conservation significance’ and rely totally on public donations and members annual subscriptions for funding.

“This gorgeous little reserve is a wonderful asset for the area, and attracts visitors and families who are invited to explore and enjoy the peaceful space at no charge, although donations are very welcome!”

Wednesday’s ‘Work Party’ sessions are an opportunity for local folk to upskill their garden staff by sending them to learn from lovely Mbeke Ngcobo, who is trained in alien invasive plant removal (as well as permaculture and other exciting things).

Gallagher said work starts at 09:00, and anyone who arrives can get free training in exchange for a few hours of labour.

Garden service companies, municipalities and many other groups and organisations can benefit from this service – and the more knowledge that is shared will benefit everyone. “Let’s make it a ‘thing’ – and get everyone pulling in the same direction,” said Gallagher.

The Bendigo Reserve is home to 75 species of trees, 50 species of non-woody plants, nine species of frogs, 10 species of snakes, eight species of lizards and 25 species of mammals.

Seventy species of birds breed in or around the reserve, 11 of which are endemic to South Africa.
Interestingly, the municipal area of Bendigo is located within Ray Nkonyeni Municipality Ward 16 which is bordered by the Mtentweni river in the south and the Ntshambili river in the north extending to the N2 in the west, and includes the suburbs of Sea Park, Southport, Anerley, Sunwich Port, Mellville and Pumula and is therefore a collection of villages or small towns.

Once a month, the BCG hosts interesting and varied speakers or events for which there is no charge, however donations are most welcome.
Contact Joan on 083 2667953.


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