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Councillor disputes signing invoices for verge cutting

Overgrown verges also affect the functionality of manholes and drains, resulting in the collapse of roads and formation of potholes.

After a trail of emails between Ray Nkonyeni Municipality (RNM) officials and Ward 17 councillor Ajith Rajaram on the issue of uncut verges, Rajaram has disputed allegations made by RNM that he signed invoices for payments to be made to the contractor.

Rajaram claims that the contractor awarded the tender to cut verges in his ward has been doing half a job, and verges on many streets remain uncut.

“Residents have been complaining since last year as pavements meant for pedestrians are not visible because of the overgrown verges. It is even worse now, schools will be opening soon and the children will not have walkways. The entire ward is covered in bush.

Overgrown vegetation covering sidewalks in Ward 17.

” I have also noticed that the contractor did not complete the job in December and is now overlapping work in January so he can get paid for two months, this is unacceptable,” said Rajaram.

Rajaram said some of the roads he has visited are Roslyn Avenue, Glen Road and Oscar Boucher’s (Sugar Mill Road).

Residents in the area said overgrown verges also affect the functionality of manholes and drains, resulting in the collapse of roads and formation of potholes.

“It has been years since the drains and entrances of manholes on the streets have been cleared, it’s so long that grass has started growing along the length of these drains and on the covers of manholes preventing water from entering them. Why aren’t these areas cleared, and why is herbicide no longer applied?” the resident questioned.

Ratepayers have also sent emails to the municipality requesting that verges be cut.

Neville Naidoo, a ratepayer from Ward 17 has sent an email and photos to RNM. He said that the overgrown vegetation is becoming a hideout for vagrants.

Rajaram also confirmed that the retaining wall project in Muddyvale will resume as the contractor recently opened after the holiday closure. He assures residents that he will monitor the progress of the project.
Ray Nkonyeni Municipality was contacted for comment, however none was forthcoming at the time of going to press.

Storm water drains covered in overgrowth which are causing blockages.


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