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Mother-daughter duo are a beacon of hope

Eight years ago, the little girl survived a near drowning incident.

This November marks an eight-year journey for the South Coast’s Miané Ainslie’s many trials and triumphs after a near drowning incident.

“We are grateful to celebrate yet another year that God has granted my little warrior,” said mum Claudette.
After the incident at the age of 19 months old, Miané was diagnosed with microcephalic spasticity quadriplegic cerebral palsy with global development delay, intellectual disability, pseudobulbar palsy, epilepsy, cortical visual impairment, obstructive sleep apnea and has dislocated hips and scoliosis kyphosis of the thoracic spine.

“Despite many challenges, Mianè is doing absolutely amazing today.”

Miané Ainslie after the near drowning incident.

“We started with weekly mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy and chiro therapy and the improvement is absolutely fantastic. We are extremely hopeful and looking forward to the months to come to see what new she can do.”

Miané has also started moving more freely, has become very vocal and alert.

Claudette is once again grateful to Scottburgh and surrounding areas for their support and is always happy to receive new donations as funds are constantly needed for Miané’s treatment.

The mum and daughter duo are also seen as a beacon of hope to those facing challenges in life.

“As we go into a new year, there are so many new challenging things for our children to accomplish each day,” said Claudette.

“I pray that they would have boldness to try new things and overcome any unhealthy fears they may have.”
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go – Joshua 1:9”


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