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Missing pitbull found after a month of searching

The SPCA has made it clear that taking in a pet that is not yours and not reporting it is seen as theft.

The reunion of Rex, the pitbull with his owner Ernie Hulley is a positive ending to a horrible situation.

This comes as many pets on the South Coast reportedly go missing every month. Some are lucky enough to be found by their owners, others are not so fortunate.

Many may have seen the poster of ‘missing Rex’ around town and on social media.

For almost a month, Ernie Hulley of Uvongo never stopped searching for his beloved Rex, who had escaped out of his yard while chasing monkeys.

“My children and grandchildren are overseas, so Rex and Bulla (our staffie) are our children. They are everything to us.”

Hulley said he was so worried that a friendly and young Rex may have landed in the wrong hands, and would have never stood a chance if used in a dog fighting syndicate.

Hulley stuck posters all over the neighbourhood. He also walked for miles around the suburb in the hope to find Rex.

Then, he got an anonymous phone call from a community member who had seen the missing dog on a property.
Hulley explained that he jumped into his car and drove to where Rex had been spotted.

“I saw Rex chained up in a yard without shelter, food or water. He was also injured and extremely thin,” he said.

“As soon as he heard my voice he looked-up from where he was lying and came running towards the fence,” he said.

Mike Davis, manager of the LSC SPCA, said Hulley immediately came to them for advice and help.

“For safety, we contacted Wolf Security who made arrangements to collect a member of Saps to accompany the SPCA inspectorate and the owner to the property,” he said.

“On arrival, the tip off was found to be true. Rex had been found tied up on the property. We scanned him and had the microchip certificate in hand to confirm ownership,” he said.

Davis said Rex was handed over to his owner and the absolute joy and happiness between owner and dog was priceless.

Ernie Hulley and Rex.

Rex came back to the SPCA with his owner to get a check-up, rabies vaccination and minor treatments and is doing well and clearly happy to be back in his safe environment.

“Rex was skin and bone and as soon as he got home, he raced inside to the food bowl,” said Hulley.

Davis said this story reiterates how absolutely imperative it is to not only have your pet microchipped, but to not keep a lost animal that is not yours! There could be a family missing their pet, and a pet missing their family.

“Please! If a stray animal is found, report it and bring the animal to the SPCA (the registered pound) to be scanned and a chance for the owner to claim their pet,” stressed Davis.

He said the owner is not laying charges, but it must be known that taking in a pet that is not yours and not reporting it is seen as theft. The SPCA also issued a warning to the person who had chained the dog.


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