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Hound found after missing for 10 days

Out of desperation they printed posters and placed them in and around the rural areas.

Friday 13th proved to a lucky day for Ryan Poisson and his dog, Brin.

Poisson, from Umzumbe, noticed Brin was missing and began searching the nearby bushes with his co-workers and few close friends to see if maybe she was caught in a snare.

Three days passed and despite extensive efforts, there was still no sign of Brin. During the search, six snares were recovered.

Poisson, then got in contact with Ryan Saunders, one of the founders of the South Coast Anti-Snaring Group, and asked if he could help.

The friends mapped out the area and for six days searched, but there was still no sign of Brin.

“During our expeditions we recovered a total of 11 snares and a mongoose/cane rat trap but still could not find my dog,” said Poisson.

They took to social media and began circulating posts. Messages spread wide and far, without any success.
Saunders suggested they print posters and place them around the rural areas in the hope that perhaps someone who doesn’t have access to social media may help them locate Brin.

On October 11, the friends placed posters at shops and meeting points. It rained on October 12.
The following day (Friday 13th) they received a phone call, with the caller knowing the whereabouts of Brin.

“We happily went to the given pin location of the property. On arrival, we saw Brin, but unfortunately she was chained up on a very short leash, although she was happy to see us.”
Saunders said the person who had Brin said he didn’t know whose dog it was and didn’t know who to contact.
Luckily, someone had seen a poster nearby and assisted the man in contacting Poisson.

“He said he had had the dog for about a week,” said Poisson.

It was a case of happy howls all the way home for Brin, then a bath, and a reunion with the other dogs at home.
Poisson and Saunders thanked everyone who had helped them.


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