Freeland Park roads need attention

Residents are crossing fingers that these roads are shown attention soon.

Wade Williams is one of the many residents and motorists from Freeland Park fed up with the state of local roads.
In July, on a site visit with Wade at the corner of Egerton and Olive roads, a large pothole was discovered on Egerton which has caused the road’s condition to deteriorate over time. It also makes it difficult for motorists to pass and they are forced to drive on the damaged section of road.

“I have lived in this area for many years and this road has always been a mess,” said Wade.
“The road gets patched and in no time it returns to its original state, year after year.”

Wade Williams shows the patched section on Olive Road.

Then on Olive Road, it is believed that a burst water pipe needed to be fixed a few months ago. After the road was dug up and the pipe repaired, the condition of the road was never the same.

“It took a while for the big dug up section of road to be filled with cement and stone, but it is still not acceptable,” said Wade.

“We as ratepayers deserve to have our roads in good working condition, to be tarred properly, drains put in place and to get the service delivery we deserve. The repairs done on this road so far is leading to an even bigger mess because when it rains as it did recently, the sand and stone wash down the road making the area look even worse.”

During a site visit last week, many angry motorists stopped to express their frustration with the condition of the roads in the area, and are crossing fingers that these roads are shown attention soon.

Umdoni Municipality has been notified of the roads in question.

Egerton Road has been in a sorry state for years.


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