Lending a helping hand to communities

Food parcels are needed at this time of year.

Local NGOs strive to be of service to communities in need. A fine example of this is Khanya Hospice which recently worked with Africa Care Foundation and several individuals committed to making a difference in the lives of those who are unable to care for themselves.

The group got together and were able to donate water purifying sachets to local elderly folk. These sachets ensure that drinking water is safe,

“The elderly served their years of hard work to support their families and were not on a pension fund or medical aid back in the day,” explained Neil McDonald of hospice.

“Now their children have moved to the cities and they are left alone at home. When they are sick, there is no one to help. Now they solely rely on a government grant and pension for a living. This is why we try to help as NGOs.”
McDonald said that the elderly are still in need of wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, pain medication, food and toiletries. The donation of water purifying sachets is expected to help solve the one issue of having access to clean water.

Should anyone be able to help make food parcels, especially as the festive season nears, contact Neil McDonald on 083 5978985 or hospice@khanyahoispice.co.za


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