R10 000 donated to roof fund

Donations are still welcome.

The Pennington Recreation Club (PRC) committee thanks all donors who have helped raise its roof fund to R62 000, and to Tidy Towns Pennington whose donation takes it to R72 000 of the R85 000 required to repair the main roof of the hall.

A cheque handover from Tidy Towns was done at Relton Hall last week. Martin Hanlon, Viv Sandwith, Sharon Smith, Cheryl Burns and Cavell Deall represented Tidy Towns and Karen Verleur and Jane Downey represented PRC.

For those unaware of the roof back story, after a meeting with Irshaad Trimm of Carpentry Solutions and Charles Warburton (engineer) at the hall, it was decided that the most affordable solution for the PRC would be to repair the main roof using existing tiles and beams. Irshaad spent some time sharpening his pencil before giving a detailed quote for the repair of R85 000. This would include the stripping and reconstruction of the roof.

The roof’s original construction caused bowing in the main beams. As a result the plastic underlay disintegrated with time and water seeped between the tiles to soak the chipboard ceiling causing it to disintegrate. Sawdust and rain water fell on the floor of the hall.

For more information or to make a donation, contact Karen Verleur on 082 7864971 or Jane Downey on 083 6315458 or email: reltonhall@yahoo.com


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