No signs of missing teen (19) off Oslo Beach

Police Search and Rescue members will continue with an ongoing search operation.

Despite an extensive air, sea and shoreline search there is no sign of a 19-year-old teenager who has been missing in the surf in Oslo Beach, since yesterday (Sunday) morning.

Gary Wolmerans, NSRI Shelly Beach station commander, said municipal lifeguards and NSRI Shelly Beach duty crew were alerted following eye-witness reports of a drowning in progress at Port Shepstone, Oslo Beach at 07:41.

An NSRI Shelly Beach rescue craft jet-rib at sea at the time, and NSRI rescue swimmers, responded.

Police members together with Police Search and Rescue K9 unit and Netcare 911 ambulance services were activated.

An Air Track 101 helicopter, volunteered by a local pilot, joined in the air, sea and shoreline search.

Local community members, using drones, assisted in the inshore search efforts.

Despite an extensive air, sea and shoreline search there remains no sign of the teen who is missing in the surf.

Wolmerans said it’s believed that the teenager was caught in rip currents while swimming before sight of him was lost in the surf line.

“Thoughts are with the family of the missing teenager in this difficult time,” he said.


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