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Stonecroft celebrates the Passover

Next meeting is on Friday, May 19.

As tradition would have it over the Easter celebrations, one was expected to wear a new outfit to symbolise a new beginning. As time passed and the economy dropped, the new outfit was replaced by a bonnet which preceded the fashionable hat as a head covering. These bonnets become more flamboyant, especially for those of higher social standing.

Passover manual.

Stonecroft guests were given the opportunity to create their own Easter bonnet at their monthly outreach held at the Shelly Beach Methodist Church. Amongst much chatter and laughter some impressive creations emerged. Well done to Debbie Smith who won the best looking Easter bonnet.

Ready to celebrate the Passover.

After a feast of tea treats from the Woman’s Auxilliary members, who are collecting jumble for a jumble sale to take place in May all while putting their baking skills to the test, the guests were walked through the process of the Passover.

Debbie Smith shows off her winning Easter bonnet.

Hilda de Vrye, skilled at hosting the Passover meal, engaged each guest as she explained in detail the symbolism of the ingredients on their plate.

Although a Jewish tradition practiced to this day, Christians found it as meaningful as have applied Christian knowledge and belief to the Passover.

This was truly a moving experience.

Enjoying Stonecroft’s April meeting are (from left) Hazel Glover, Bronwyn Staples, Shealene van As, Debbie Smith and Willy Frizzi.

Not only does Hilda present the Passover meal but has written a wonderful, easy-to-follow book to help those wishing to celebrate this occasion.

Next Stonecroft Morning Tea will take place at the Shelly Beach Methodist Church on Friday, May 19 at 09:30.


Booking is essential. Contact Vanessa on 082 8181449.


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