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Help make Umkomaas Golf Club great

Sponsors are needed to help the golf club grow.

The popular Umkomaas Golf Club is 110 years old this year.

The course was first constructed as a 9-hole course in 1913 and was expanded to 18 holes in 1926 making Umkomaas, the third oldest course in KwaZulu-Natal and it also happens to be the first course constructed on the South Coast.

In 1932, course designer Robert Grimsdell re-designed the course, capitalising on the natural contours of the land and taking advantage of the glorious sea views.

The club did struggle some years ago due to Covid-19 and a dwindling membership and found it difficult to keep the golf course in tip-top condition, due to the lack of funds and ageing maintenance equipment.

The situation has currently vastly improved, and the club is growing from strength to strength thanks to the tireless commitment of the committee members and assistance from the club members who often volunteer and assist with improvement projects and fundraising.

The golf course is currently in good condition and the development of the Widenham Retirement Village, and the improvement efforts have seen the membership and rounds of golf soar in the past year. However, additional funds are now required to tackle some of the more capital-intensive projects. If the standard is improved, it will help the club become the golf course of choice for many.

Umkomaas also offers family membership packages and the opportunity to learn to play via the KidzGolf programme. Competitions are also held weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays and visitors are always welcome to what as become known as ‘the friendliest club’.

Some of the main projects that will require major capital expenditure can be summarised as follows: Additional maintenance equipment, repair work to the club house roof, refurbishment of the Pro Shop, upgrading of the irrigation system and drainage improvements at some of the fairways that remain soggy after heavy rains.

Golfers having a swing.

There is also a necessity to purchase additional tractors and mowers to replace these seriously ageing machines. The club thus kindly requests local businesses to partner with the club and assist with sponsorship in exchange for advertising space. This will benefit both the club and the sponsors, and any donations will also be greatly welcome.

The club’s vision is to ‘Make Umkomaas Great’ and offer sponsors the opportunity to get their brand out there. There are currently 207 golf club members at the club and many regular visitors from other clubs and this number is steadily growing. The total number of golf rounds played in 2022 was 13 510, and 47% of these rounds were attributed to local members and 53% to visitors.

Based on the growth over the past few months, the club predicts 17 281 rounds for this year. That is 17 281 people that will see sponsors’ advertising boards and possibly support your business.

To find out more about Umkomaas Golf Club’s rich history and how you or your business can assist and gain exposure, contact Graham Coxell on 083 6666579 or elmacoxell@telkomsa.net; Claudio Bellato on 082 7453084 or ccbellato@gmail.com; or Noel Parsonage on 083 7766920 or noel.parsonage@gmail.com

Club captain Graham Coxell.


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