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Wife wants closure after husband’s death

All the family wants is for the matter to make it to court and be finalised, so that they can get closure.

Widowed Neri Ameer from Port Shepstone wants closure after the death of her husband, Mahomed Swalleh Ameer, a well-known runner who was knocked over by a vehicle on one of his regular training routes on Marine Drive, Port Shepstone in 2021.

She feels investigation of the case has stalled since his death.
Neri said it has been difficult to get information from the police or the investigating officer assigned to the case.

“The past 16 months have been very difficult. The police have not been helpful at all. Information was given to them, a witness gave a statement and CCTV video footage of the incident was submitted, but all has been unfruitful.”
According to police, the investigation is still ongoing.

“The investigating officer is in contact with the complainant regarding the progress of the case,” said Port Shepstone Saps spokesperson, Captain Petros Mpinge.

Neri said each time she contacted the investigating officer, she said there were no developments.

“She would get irritated and drop the call on me, sometimes telling me not to call her cellphone. This has been very painful for me and my children who just want closure. I have written to and made calls to the Independent Police Investigative Directorate for assistance, and even spoke to the brigadier to assist us as we were not getting any feedback from the investigating officer.” Neri added
She said the matter has to be given priority and the family also needed to be kept in the loop with the investigation, especially after all the evidence needed was submitted.

“It has taken too long. The driver has not yet been investigated by the police although they say a culpable homicide case has been opened.

“I want the matter to go to court so that the witness and the driver can tell their stories, and a decision is taken on whether the driver is guilty or not. The court’s decision will give me closure,” said Neri.


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