Witnesses sought in Seaslopes accident

The family is requesting witnesses to come forward.

Anyone who witnessed an accident between a car and cyclist in Seaslopes Boulevard and Mitchell Road in Margate is asked to come forward.

The incident happened on Tuesday, February 25 in 2020.

At the time, paramedics responded to a collision, where they found the bicycle and cyclist had landed some 50m from the point of impact, facing oncoming traffic.

The cyclist, Nico Swart, had been knocked over by the driver of a white Citi Golf.

He was stabilised and taken to a local hospital.

The family is requesting witnesses to come forward. The accident happened at about 07:00 on that day.

Due to the lack of witnesses so far, the family is in the process of seeking a qualified accident reconstruction engineer to assist.
Anyone with relevant information is asked to n contact André Vorster from Europlaw Group at 011 1005034 or 082 5680012.


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