OPINION: Sewage spill is a health hazard

No signboards have been erected to warn people of the contamination.

I am horrified to see raw sewage running into our popular Lucky Dip fishing spot in Port Edward.
The trench in front of the Port Edward holiday camp is also full of raw sewage.
Lucky Dip is a fishing hotspot and apparently the sewage leak at the Sea Verge has been ongoing for months.
Surely, signboards should be erected to warn people of this contamination and the danger it’s to people and the environment.

Response: Ward councillor says inspection is under way

I had a site meeting with two men of the sanitation management last Tuesday.
The Sea Verge sewage has been a problem for a long time and is tied to the other long time problem of the Boundary Road sewage pump station. They were sending a honey sucker to assist while the bigger problem is sorted out, but this stopped for some reason. They agreed on Tuesday to send honeysuckers constantly until the big problem is resolved.
The problem at Boundary Road seems to be caused by blockages in the pipes up the line and they are doing all they can to get the blockages cleared. These seem to be more problematic than they anticipated. They told me it should be cleared though, within a couple of days.
The sewage spill at Lucky Dip fishing spot is coming from the Port Edward Holiday Resort and they went to do an inspection there, also on Tuesday last week.
They are meeting with the person in charge of sewage and Vasie Manawer from the health department is also doing inspections and told me she would be discussing the problem with the Ray Nkonyeni municipal manager.
I am expecting to be updated.

Ward Councillor


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