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Teen’s cancer is in remission

According The chemo was the worst part of his treatment.

Logan Potgieter (15) of Shelly Beach, who was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, was given a clean bill of health recently.

The only child of Anton and Jana Potgieter, Logan was diagnosed with the disease in January 2022, just before returning to school.

Hodgkin’s affects the lymphatic system, which is part of the body’s germ-fighting defences.
The teenager had initially noticed a lump on his neck, at first, he did not consider it serious until it grew rapidly. He was taken to local doctors and they suggested a sonar scan be done.

On receiving the results, emergency surgery was performed and Logan was diagnosed with stage two Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. After Logan had a positron emission tomography (PET) scan done, he and his family feared the worst. He was told that the cancer had spread to his bones, chest and stomach. The devastating news changed Logan’s lifestyle and his Grade 9 schooling career, and he had to be home schooled.

As he has been given the all-clear, he is happy that he doesn’t have to undergo chemotherapy again.

“The chemo was the worst part of my treatment. It made me sick and I felt tired. I am looking forward to the holidays and that I can spend it with my friends and family, and getting back to normal schooling next year.”

His parents said they are happy that he’s in remission now.

“Going forward he will have blood tests and a PET scan done every six months. We thank our families, friends and community for their support, especially the doctors. We are absolutely proud of Logan and the way he handled being diagnosed and his treatment. He was an absolute trooper and we are so incredibly grateful he is better,” said Jana.


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