Rotary makes a difference at health day

Rotarians create health awareness and donate reading glasses.

Members of the Rotary Club of Port Shepstone enjoyed a well executed outreach at the Southport Clinic recently with other NGOs, officials and the health department in an attempt to make a positive difference to the health and overall wellbeing of many people in the community.

Shamin Maharaj from the Port Shepstone Rotary Club said they joined forces with the teams as a part of a Rotary Health Awareness Day initiative.

Members of the community attend the eye care and health awareness day recently.

“Patients were screened for general well-being, vitals, visual acuity and cataracts. They were thereafter either treated or referred for more specialised care. We thank the organising teams, volunteers and Rotarians for making a difference and putting ‘Service above Self’.

“Our club is thankful to SpecSavers (Shelly Beach), the Rotary Club of Hibiscus Coast and other providers for sponsoring reading glasses which were distributed to patients in need,” Maharaj added.


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