Youth clean up Palmview

Carrying cleaning equipment neighbouring children some as young as nine clean up the streets from litter.

Youth of Palmview, near Albersville are proving they have what it takes to make their community healthy, beautiful and prosperous.

A group of 15 youth show up twice a month and clean the streets in Mynah Road, Woodpecker, Ferndale, Swallow Drive and Ravin Place. The clean-up initiative started with Palmview resident and activist, Rabi Harriepersadh who noticed a group of children playing volleyball on the road.

“There is a volleyball court on Mynah Road, but it needed work and a proper clean up. From this clean up the children were eager to tackle the Palmview area. Since then we have agreed to clean up the Palmview area twice a month.”

Harriepersadh added that Palmview never sees a street cleaner which should be provided by the municipality. “Litter is strewn on almost every corner and at some places piling up. Refuses trucks come along but only pick up refuse bags placed outside homes once a week. This area never gets a municipal street cleaner.”

She added that the clean up provides an opportunity to educate the community, especially children who are the future leaders, and taking pride in their environment.

She also called on all youth to help keep the environment clean and start up their own clean up campaign in their community.


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