
Be aware of fraudsters

The public has been repeatedly warned to be aware of fraudsters, especially online.

Fraudsters, especially online fraudsters, are continuing to have success in deceiving the public and robbing them of their hard-earned money.

The public is urged to always be aware of becoming a target of fraudsters.

The police suggest the following:

* Purchase second-hand goods at registered second-hand dealers and outlets where your purchase is legitimate and may have conditions of sale and where you can physically see and examine the goods prior to payment.
* Don’t respond to any notifications that you have won a competition when you did not enter.
* Keep your personal documents, for example ID, driver’s licence or passport, in a safe place.
* Report loss of cards to the necessary establishments.
* Burn or shred confidential documentation when no longer needed.

It must also be noted that fraudsters can also hack into your social media account, pretend to be you and scam persons who are known to you to trade in foreign currencies. After a deposit is made, the hacker moves on to another victim.


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