Two children killed in two accidents

Two culpable homicide dockets have been opened for investigation.

Two primary school children died in two separate motor vehicle accidents last Thursday morning, namely Benjamin Chiliza (10) and Elihle Madlala (9).

Benjamin, a pupil at RA Engar Primary, was hit by a vehicle on Oscar Borchers Road in Marburg.

Benjamin, who joined RA Engar this year, was described as an above-average learner who worked independently and completed his tasks on time.

Further, his quiet and unassuming nature made him a likeable boy.

A school spokesman said he was a respectful boy who interacted well with others.

He enjoyed sports, especially volleyball and played in the school’s U12 team.

The school would like to thank the Ogwini ward principals for their messages of condolences.

Saps said Benjamin had sustained serious injuries and was taken to hospital, where he died a few days later.

The case is now being investigated as a culpable homicide, and no one has been charged yet.

Elihle Madlala (9), who attended Sdumile Primary in Bhobhoyi, was knocked down on the N2 in Bhobhoyi on the same morning last Thursday.

Craig Botha, spokesman for Kwazulu Private Ambulance Service, said that when emergency personnel arrived on the scene in Bhobhoyi, they found that a bakkie had knocked over a pedestrian.

“Paramedics quickly assessed the scene and found that the child (9) had sustained fatal injuries,” he said.

Exhaustive efforts from paramedics were made to resuscitate Elihle but to no avail.

Saps said the docket would be taken to the Senior Public Prosecutor for a decision once the investigation is complete.


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