UPDATE: Umkomaas murder and rape accused abandons bail

The courtroom was filled to capacity by concerned community members, the grieving family of ten-year-old Lusanda Nkomo and others seeking justice.

Murder and rape accused Rogers Perumal from Umkomaas, abandoned bail at his first appearance in the Scottburgh Magistrate’s Court today (March 20).

Perumal was taken into custody on Monday this week after a missing child’s body was found and reports indicated that he was one of the last people seen with her.

The court room was filled to capacity by concerned community members, the grieving family of the ten-year-old victim Lusanda Nkomo, friends and supporters.

Others waited outside the court with placards stating “No bail for suspects”, “Stop killing our children” and “Justice for Lusanda”.

It was mentioned in court that the victim was strangled to death, which brought tears to many members of the gallery.

READ ORIGINAL STORY: Child slain: Angry Umkomaas community seeks justice

The accused was appointed an attorney after requesting Legal Aid and has been remanded into custody until April 17 for further investigation and decision from the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Policemen were also present inside and outside the court to ensure that the situation was under control.

This tragic incident has left the Umkomaas community shattered, and representatives from various organisations were present to offer their support to the family and seek justice.

*Lusanda Nkomo went missing on March 17, and as per KZN Saps media centre spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Nqobile Gwala, the child’s naked body was discovered by a local herdsman on March 18.

Community members protest outside court.


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