
Businessman found in Bizana after carjacking in Margate

Quick action by Margate police saved the day.

Three unknown men allegedly approached a store owner in Margate, forced him into his bakkie and drove off, last Thursday.

Police spokesperson Sergeant Sibu Ncane said the store owner along with his shop assistant were closing up for the day when the incident reportedly occurred.

“Margate police responded to a complaint of a carjacking in Wingate Road in Margate at about 18:30,” said Sgt Ncane.

The vehicle, without any occupants, was later recovered in Gcilima.

“Investigations led police to Bizana where the store owner was found, and another vehicle was recovered. This vehicle, believed to be the suspects’ vehicle was then towed to the Vehicle Crime Investigation Unit for further investigation. Cellphones, an unlicensed firearm and packs of cigarettes were found in the vehicle,” he said.

Margate Station Commander Brigadier William Slabbert commended all the members involved in the recovery and safe return of the businessman.


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