
4 Stocks that could level up your trading portfolio

If you are a stock trader, you must stay informed of the stocks that are rising (bullish) and the ones that are going down (bearish).

Did you know that YouTube and McDonalds stocks have been growing fast?

One of the most important things that makes a successful trader is to have insights and a great understanding of what is going on in the financial markets; If you are a stock trader, you must stay informed of the stocks that are rising (bullish) and the ones that are going down (bearish).

Today we are taking a look at four of the most prominent companies in the stock market and their performance. We have gathered data  on YouTube and McDonalds’ stock trends paired with analysis of Nestle and Coca Cola stocks, for comparison.

Let’s dive in.

4 stocks experiencing consistent bullish trends

Because of the global situation with wars happening, four stocks of huge corporations have been growing the last five years.

Which are these stocks?

Stock chart patterns for each stock

Coca Cola chart

It was Euro 2020 when Portugal’s superstar Cristiano Ronaldo moved the Coca Cola bottle from the press conference room, urging everyone to drink water instead. This, along with other factors, affected the stock price of Coca Cola. Interestingly, it was estimated that Coca Cola was down $4 billion.

But now as we can see the trajectory of Coca Cola’s stock price is moving upwards in the last five years with slight fluctuations. But overall the share price has been uptrending steadily for years, making Coca Cola a promising investment.

Coca Cola statistics of consumption, sales, revenue growth: America, Canada and Mexico account for 20% of the company’s sales with 320 million consumers spending $350 billion on Coca Cola products including coke, waters and sports drinks. Over the last 5 years the stock of Coca Cola has witnessed a considerable rise at 17% achieving compounding earnings 31% per year.

Coca Cola pros and cons


Short-term pros Long-term pros
Coca Cola stock is going up One of the strongest brands on the planet
Coca Cola penetrates in new markets A diverse portfolio with many kinds of products
A company that grows over time
Short-term cons Long-term cons
Coca Cola relies their growth on price increase Sugar restrictions are going to put off consumers from buying Coca Cola
More people are concerned about their diet nowadays

McDonald’s chart

The stock price of McDonald’s has a pretty clear upwards trajectory growing year after year. It’s wise to buy McDonald’s stock; if you postpone it for another year the price of stock is going to be even higher than it is now.

Between August 2015 and August 2019 McDonald’s managed to double their stock value from $97 to $211. This huge increase is mainly attributed to the company’s attempt of rebranding and improving their operation system. This helped them increase efficiency and minimise costs.

McDonald’s statistics of consumption, sales, revenue growth: Did you know that McDonald’s serves a whopping number of 69 million customers every day around the world? On average, a McDonald’s restaurant makes around $2.7 million in sales every year while the annual revenue in 2023 is estimated to be $25 Billion which is a 7.5% increase compared to 2022.

McDonald’s pros and cons

Short-term pros Long-term pros
Young consumers are into fast food A well-known brand
A company with a projection of growing in the future considering how many new shops they’re opening
Short-term cons Long-term cons
The stock is regarded as overvalued by many Regulations and increase of taxes might be implemented in fast food

Nestle chart

As we can see, Nestle’s price movement has been ranging compared to McDonald’s and Coca Cola. In this case, Nestle is probably a more reliable stock that won’t hit extreme highs and lows, ideal for tough periods when inflation skyrockets and the global economy is unstable.

Walmart’s comments last year regarding Nestle’s policies and products calling them somewhat unhealthy (especially for babies) lead the stock price of Nestle to decline and hit its lowest in the last two years.

Nestle statistics of consumption, sales, revenue growth: Nestle is the largest food and consumer goods manufacturer with a diversified portfolio including brands like Nescafe, Kit Kat and Nestea among others. In 2023 they achieved sales 68 829 million CHF while their annual revenue in 2022 witnessed a 3.78% to hit $99.32 Billion.

Nestle pros and cons

Short-term pros Long-term pros
Nestle offers products that consumers consume on a daily basis. A brand with a large portfolio.
They are continuously expanding their business by acquiring new products.
It’s a long-term buy-and-hold stock and  its price goes rises over time.
Short-term cons Long-term cons
The price of food and drinks is going up due to inflation. Scandals have damaged the reputation of the company in the past and some people are boycotting them.

YouTube chart

Can a wrong answer about a video cause an almost 10% drop? Yes, Alphabet’s stock price in February 2023 dropped by 9.8% as its newly launched generative feature Bard AI chatbot gave a wrong answer in a promotional video.

The trajectory of Google’s stock peaked in 2022 and plummeted in the middle of 2023. But since then it’s recovering fast and it has overall increased dramatically over the last five years – it’s wise to ride the wave and invest in Google.

YouTube statistics of usage per year and number of new users: In total YouTube users watch 5 billion videos each day – it’s no surprise how fast this platform is growing. More specifically, it is estimated that in 2022 the average user spent 19:35 minutes on YouTube every day which is a significant rise compared to 2020 (17 minutes) and 2019 (13 minutes). Did you know that 51% of the internet users use YouTube? This means that the popular video platform has over 2.7 billion monthly active users, a significant increase since 2021 when active users were 2.5 billion.

YouTube pros and cons

Short-term pros Long-term pros
Most younger generations are into watching videos online rather than reading. The video content format is estimated to grow in the next few years.
The amount of time people spend on watching videos on YouTube the last years. The company has survived hard times with the recession of 2007-2008.
Short-term cons Long-term cons
Underwhelming diversification makes your investment more risky. Regulatory changes in the European Union and other parts of the world


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