
Hlanganani cleans up for Mandela Day

Well done to all grades for doing their part to honour the legacy of Nelson Mandela.

Hlanganani Prep opened for Term 3 on July 18 and it was lovely to see everyone back at school.
The school took park in a clean-up for Mandela Day by picking up the litter in and around the school, and in the nearby community.

Learners collected more than 10 bags of litter and made a difference to the cleanliness of the school and the surrounding area.
Well done to all grades for doing their part to honour the legacy of Nelson Mandela.

Parents are urged to encourage their children when they play either volleyball, mini-soccer or netball.

Volunteers from Genesis Hope South Africa visited the school to instill life skills and social wellbeing, carry out voluntary activities and also to pray with the learners.
The school is grateful for the energy, enthusiasm and dedication that the volunteers bring.


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