Izotsha shows sportsmanship against Kokstad

In the rugby, the Izotsha boys were dominant in the first half.

Izotsha Primary School has experienced a busy past week and a half with the Intermediate and Senior Phase learners writing controlled tests.

Last Thursday saw much excitement with Kokstad Junior School’s senior A teams travelling down to play netball, hockey and rugby against Izotsha. There was good competition and sportsmanship in all three codes.

The U13A netball girls played a great game where skill and determination were the shining elements. Izotsha lost 6-16 in a well-played match. The hockey girls played hard but lost their match. In rugby, the Izotsha boys were dominant in the first half. There were some silky passing skills on display by Brad Apostolides (flyhalf) which resulted in a break away, bulldozing try by number 12 Thomas Delport.

At half time the score was 5-5. In the second half, captain Zack Apostolides converted one penalty goal. The second half was tough and physical. Izotsha lost 8-17.

The school is proud of the following learners who achieved their Ugu hockey colours in their respective age groups:
U12: Jayden Letchki, Ethan Browne, Owam Sikutshwa, Callum Heydricks, Brad Apostolides and Matthew Evans.
U13: Rayne Riley, Megan Pretorius, Layla Gray, Zack Apostolides, Jenna-Leigh Grobler, Andrew Cornhill, Another Gcaba and Dylan Prepok.


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