MUST WATCH: South Coast fisherman wrestles 180kg shark for a good reason

The fisherman's video has attracted a lot of attention on social media, including Tik Tok. Warning: The video does contain some strong language at the end.

Twenty one year old Craig Bashford’s video of him wrestling a bronze whaler shark in the shoreline when the sardines made a return to Warner Beach yesterday (Sunday, June 19) has gained a lot of attention.

Lower South Coasters got their taste of the annual ‘sardine frenzy’ at Margate Beach last Friday, and then again at St Mike’s Beach last Saturday.

So why did Craig wrestle a shark? That’s the BIG question.

“My friend hooked the shark and I helped to land the species when the line snapped. I, admittedly not thinking, ran into the waves and tackled the shark to get the fishing tackle out of its mouth. I have received some negative feedback, so I hope people now understand why I did what I did.”

Craig, who is an experienced and passionate fisherman, explained that with the help of a few others, he managed to get the shark with his bare hands onto the shore.

The shark weighing 180kg was then successfully released.

The bronze whaler shark is a fast-swimming predator that has been known to hunt in large groups, utilising their numbers to their advantage; however for most of the time they remain solitary.

This species is associated closely with the annual sardine run. 

Craig who has his Protea and KZN Colours for fishing is a member of the Benders Fishing Club.

Follow Craig on Instagram: @bashfords_fishing_adventures


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