Tidy Town team on fire to make a difference

Business owners, collective groups and individuals from different coastal suburbs are also getting involved by doing their bit to make a difference.

The KZN South Coast Tidy Town campaign is catching on like wildfire.

Founder Vicky Wentzel of Southern Explorer said they are working hand-in-hand with Ray Nkonyeni Municipality (RNM).

St Mike’s Beach was the pilot project, where existing cleaners were identified and given an opportunity to be part of the upliftment projects in the area.

These men are remunerated weekly from the Tidy Town donation kitty, as well the tips from grateful beachgoers.

Making a difference to St Mike’s Beach are (from left) Ronny Mhlantlalala, Lawrence Gumede, Gift Mnqithi and Enock Tetani. The new grass cutter driven by Tetani was kindly donated by community members and will be put to good use.

Wentzel said business owners and caring residents have stepped in to work with the municipality to clean-up the beaches and its facilities.

The Tidy Towns team has also started to tackle Shelly Beach, Uvongo and Lucien beaches.

Business owners, collective groups and individuals from different coastal suburbs are also getting involved by doing their bit to make a difference.

So far, the hours of hard work are paying off and the beaches are looking fantastic!

“Yes…it’s work, hard non-stop work, but the teams have great fun and the sense of community spirit is incredible!”

“Our plan is to help RNM in the uplift programme with the renovation of bathrooms at the beaches, paint the buildings, fix what is broken and replace all the signage so it all looks new and inviting. If you want to help or contribute in any way, please be added to the WhatsApp group in your area. We are astounded by the calls and willingness to help from all our wonderful South Coast friends,” said Wentzel.

She said that the KZN South Coast is a paradise many call home, and 2020/2021 has seen many people relocating to the coast.

“Our KZN South Coast Tidy Towns movement is gaining momentum as we merge tourism with beautiful, well maintained functional beaches!”

Wentzel explained that a Southbroom doctor reported that five new families a week are moving in from Cape Town and Jozi.

“So much investment coming into our coast … and our visitor numbers and property sales are proof of that! It’s initiatives like these that make our destination a very easy sell to visitors who are looking for ‘Paradise Found’ on the South Coast KZN’ and majority of reputable establishments have plumbed in water.

“So don’t fear, we have got our visitors covered, if you book to stay on the South Coast always book directly with the establishments – choose reputable venues and you will be none the wiser if a water interruption were to occur!”

Reg Horne, fondly known as the Captain of Tidy Town team, said the support from the community has been overwhelming and this initiative has brought communities and business owners together. Locals are returning to clean the beaches and visitors are amazed by the civic improvements. The upliftment in job creation programme has been heart warming.

Even more excitingly, the Tidy Town branded caps and bumper car stickers are on sale at C-Bali at St Mike’s, where funds created are put back into the Tidy Town kitty to cover costs.

This Saturday (5th) a clean-up will be held at Uvongo Beach from 07:00 to 08:00. Jo-Ellen Hannaway, a member of the Tidy Town committee, is calling everyone to join by bringing rakes and bags, as debris will be removed.

You can also help the Tidy Town initiative by cleaning around your homes and businesses.

If you would like to get in contact and join the movement follow the Facebook page: KZN South Coast Tidy Town or WhatsApp on 071 3519958, and ask to join your town’s WhatsApp group.


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