Izotsha Primary off to a smooth start

Ziandrea Stephen joins as a Grade 3 educator with Bianca van den Berg as Grade 3 teacher assistant.

Izotsha Primary School extends a warm welcome to all its new staff members. It trusts that they will have happy years at the school.

New staff members and their roles include Cally Roberts as Principal. Brenton de Vries is departmental head for intermediate and senior phase as well as an educator for Grade 7 life orientation and Grade 6 Afrikaans.

Ziandrea Stephen joins as a Grade 3 educator with Bianca van den Berg as Grade 3 teacher assistant.

Amy Wigmore will teach Grade 1 with Megan du Toit as Grade R teacher assistant and Helen Stubbs for PE.

Izotsha Primary had some successful parent information evenings over the course of last week.

It was lovely to see parents back in the school, albeit only one parent per child.

Educators were able to introduce themselves and speak about their specific grade, class and subject.

The school is grateful for the tremendous parent turnout.

Learners and educators are looking forward to sport which began this week. Cricket, swimming and girls hockey are on offer.

Everybody has settled well into the routine of being back at school.


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