Margate preps for holiday influx

The peak times which see an influx of people and vehicles to the Margate CBD are December 16, 25 and January 1.

Plans are underway to set-up a police operational centre in the Margate tourism office by December 1 – in time for the busy festive season.

A consultation meeting to prepare for the upcoming holidays was held with business owners, Ray Nkonyeni Municipality (RNM) Law Enforcement, Margate CBD Community Policing Forum (CPF), Margate Saps and other stakeholders recently.

The main function of the operational centre will be to protect the community by conducting patrols and enforcement.

“The consultation is to prepare for the season. We have challenges and appreciate the community’s feedback. Margate needs positive criticism,” said Margate Saps station commander, Brigadier William Slabbert.

The peak times which see an influx of people and vehicles to the Margate CBD are December 16, 25 and January 1.

Brig Slabbert also said they cannot work without the assistance of security companies, the CPF, ratepayers’ associations and the tourism sector.

“With the little that we have, we are are achieving great things. We are the only station putting out six cars, one in each sector. If anyone has a problem, talk about it instead of waiting for meetings to bring it up,” he said.

Road closures with concrete bollards and fencing were also discussed.

The CPF’s Jo-Anne Wentzel talked about erecting 50 signboards, ‘Proudly Keeping Margate Clean’ in strategic spots.

It is targeted at visitors and urges them to report car guards, substance abuse or any other suspicious activity to Margate CPF, Margate Saps and RNM Law Enforcement.

“When tourists visit, they don’t have emergency numbers on hand,” she said.

The meeting ended on a positive note with all parties urging the community to be proactive and to report criminal activities, for example, car guards selling drugs.


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