[WATCH] Sharks attracted to the South Coast as sardine activity increases

The footage was recorded by someone standing on the Rocky Bay pier and viewing the action from above.

South Coasters have been within arm’s reach of  the sharks which have moved close to shore as they follow the sardine action.

On Monday morning this week, four or five sharks swam up to the people – including children – who  had entered the water to try and grab their share of the little silver fish at Rocky Bay near Scottburgh.

The footage below was recorded by someone standing on the Rocky Bay pier and viewing the action from above.

The video, showing sharks swimming near the shore while a net full of fish is hauled in, made the rounds on social media platforms such as Facebook and on WhatsApp groups.

A Park Rynie fisherman who witnessed this encounter said that as more sharks came closer to shore, more people entered the water trying to catch the sardines.

“I saw a man trying to chase the sharks  away by hitting them with a small fishing net,” he said.

“Yes, he was trying to protect people, but those people should be more cautious next time so no harm comes to these creatures which are only looking for food in their natural habitat.”

ALSO READ: [WATCH] Sardines netted at Rocky Bay in Scottburgh – selling for R1 000 a crate

Reports indicate that bull sharks, grey sharks and bronze whalers have been seen trailing the sardines throughout the mid-South Coast area.

As South Coasters continue netting the sards, other marine life such as bigger fish, dolphins and whales have been more visible too.

With this in mind, continue to be part of the action, but be cautious at the same time.

People at Rocky Bay attempt to catch sardines from the water where several sharks were spotted.

If you have any photos or videos of this year’s Sardine Run you’d like to share, WhatsApp  them to 0823008861.


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