[WATCH] Sardines netted at Rocky Bay in Scottburgh – selling for R1 000 a crate

There's been frenzied activity as the 'Greatest Shoal on Earth' has come to town.

There’s been great excitement at Rocky Bay and Pennington near Scottburgh as sardines have been netted in their thousands by droves of South Coast fishermen this morning (Monday).

ALSO READ: WATCH: Huge shark caught in sardine net on South Coast

The silver fish also attracted a number of sharks close to shore, as is often the case, making for quite a thrilling sight.

And there’s usually some daredevil showing off, swimming next to the sharks in a show of bravado.

However, the sharks have to some extent spoilt the party, earning their nickname as the ‘Tax Man’, with one of the nets almost completely empty by the time it got to shore.

Such is the way with fishing!

The sea is looking ‘very good’, said one fisherman.

Fishermen are apparently selling the sardines at R1 000 per crate.

Sardines in crates.

Some fishermen said they had managed to catch several other types of fish as well due to the amount of sardine activity.

The Rocky Bay pier is chock-a-block with fishermen trying their luck as the shoal moves past.


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