Umdoni on the march against violence

Municipal staff were joined by the general public as well as several police officers.

UMDONI Municipality organised a march through the Umzinto CBD last Friday in protest against gender-based violence.

Municipal staff were joined by the general public as well as several police officers.

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On their walk to the Umzinto Town Hall, the marchers carried placards and banners protesting the social ills which are affecting the country.

They were escorted by police and Umdoni Protection Services.

#EnoughIsEnough and #AmINext were among the slogans on the marchers’ placards.

At the town hall, a special prayer was said for the country and for victims of gender-based violence.

Messages of support were conveyed by the Saps Men For Change and Women’s Network, as well as by the Umdoni mayor, Thabani Dube.

Marchers gather outside the Umzinto Town Hall.

A praise and worship session was led by the Joy Music Group, followed by a self-defense demonstration conducted by Scottburgh police.

The end of the day’s proceedings was marked with a poignant candle lighting ceremony.


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