Sterilisation and vaccination drive a success

The next drive is planned for August, with the target being at least double - 200 vaccinations and 50 plus sterilisations.

The Louisiana sterilisation and vaccination drive last Saturday was a great success.

More than 100 dogs and puppies were dipped, 50 were inoculated for 5 in 1, 120 vaccinated for rabies,19 were sterilised and three treated for canine transmissible venereal tumours, plus a tail repair.

ALSO READ : Louisiana pets to benefit from drive

Locals came from far and wide with their canine companions – some on leads, some being pushed in trolleys, or carried in boxes.

This initiative was possible thanks to Harmony Hill Rescue Haven, Feel Good Funding, TAWI (Transkei Animal Welfare Initiative), the Department of Agriculture primary care vet and team from Siphofu and a group of caring volunteers.

“What a super day, I just cannot express the emotions. Highs and lows. the pure feeling of awe at what we can accomplish with a little money and a whole lot of amazing people who gave of their time and knowledge. Thank you just doesn’t seem to say enough,” said Renate Haussman of Harmony Hill Rescue Haven.

Fisokuhle Zweni and Likho Mphandla with their furry friends at the sterilisation and vaccination drive last Saturday.

The next drive is planned for August, with the target being at least double – 200 vaccinations and 50 plus sterilisations.

“Funding will determine just what the limit is – please consider donating now to this cause. We have put together a ‘Wish List’ in case anyone wants to donate. We require collars and leads, water and feeding dishes, blankets and bedding and dry dog food,” said Penny Taylor of Harmony Hill Rescue Haven.

For further details call Penny Taylor at 082 719 0838.


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