Tweni Talk: Elsie dies at 91

There will be a private cremation, but details have not yet been confirmed - the memorial service will probably be held at the Methodist Church in Hibberdene.

THELMA Gomes of Southport, sadly informs all friends of Elsie Gomes Balanco (born on August 13, 1927) that she died last Sunday, March 10, at the amazing age of 91. Elsie leaves her sons and daughters, Louis Gomes Balanco, Engela Jardine, Elmarie and George van Rensburg and Tony and Thelma Gomes, as well as 11 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.

ALSO READ : Tweni Talk: Help shed some light on ‘hit and run’

There will be a private cremation, but details have not yet been confirmed – the memorial service will probably be held at the Methodist Church in Hibberdene.

Check your gate

Due to many reasons such as tampering, some gate motors and batteries are damaged and dogs manage to get out – not a good situation all round. Last week, Tracy Thiele had her two Labradors take the gap when they discovered the gate open. Because they are originally farm dogs, they are used to wide open spaces. They were picked up by Neil van Eeden and taken to the safety of the Lower South Coast SPCA, while Tracy was at work, but she says she is so grateful that they had been rescued rather than run over.

Literary treat

Sincere thanks go to Umtentweni Library from Lilliput Playschool Tweni. Last Thursday, a group of five-year olds visited the library to commemorate World Book Week – one week ahead of time because of imminent school holidays. Librarian Princess Mzama gave an informative talk and the children paged through books and went on a fun tour of the library.

Lilliput Playschool teacher Gail Sutton (far back) and pupils (back, from left) Benjamin Coleske, Rylan du Plessis, Veyashan Pillay, Jacqoe Verheem, Okule Ngongoma, Sierra van der Ruit, (front) Macaela Senekal, Sethu Duma, Matthew Eaton, Andrew Bezuidenhout, Anesu Dweba and Onke Mdakane had a fun outing to Tweni Library to celebrate ‘World Book Week’ last Thursday.

The biggest surprise were gifts of visors, stickers and juice bottles. The little pupils really enjoyed the visit.

Adult supervision

With schools breaking up for holidays this Friday (15th), working parents are sometimes caught between a rock and a hard place. Amanda de Beer offers after-care and holiday supervision for children from two to 10 years old. Contact your scribe for details.


Liz Knox-Whitehead of Umtentweni will be the guest speaker at the next Friday’s (March 22) ‘Friends of Southport Library’ get-together. Liz will discuss her research on the benefits of cannabis oil. Get to the library hall for 10.30am. All are welcome and tea will be served afterwards. For more information, contact chairman Barbara Brauer at 076 6672839.

Three cheers

Birthday boy Tristan Kuhn recently turned 12. Tristan loves the DStv programme ‘Forged in Fire’ and was over the moon to receive a gift set for his birthday last weekend. He celebrated with a couple of friends and the three boys forged a spear and discovered a new art form.

Birthday boy Tristan Kuhn (left) and friends Matthew Borches (middle) and Kyle Solomon celebrated Tristan’s 12th birthday last week by trying out his ‘Forged in Fire’ gift set. The boys show off the impressive spears they forged!

Birthday wishes for the week go to Darren Raath (10th), Leslie Botha (11th), Karen de Rosa (14th), Doug Maritz (16th), Clayton Curnow (17th), Tony Anthoissen (18th) and Tracy Thiele on the 19th.

All news to Leila.


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