No hijacking in Umkomaas, say police

Claims that a couple enjoying an evening at a restaurant had been hijacked at gunpoint circulated on social media.

REPORTS suggesting that a couple had been hijacked at Umkomaas beach on the evening of Monday, February 18 have been dismissed by police. This after claims that a couple enjoying an evening at a restaurant had been hijacked at gunpoint circulated on social media. The post has since been removed.

ALSO READ : Umkomaas SAPS ‘lost’ most guns in KZN

Provincial Saps communications officer, Captain Nqobile Gwala has however confirmed that a case of vehicle theft had been registered for investigation by the Umkomaas Saps after a vehicle was stolen from the beachfront parking lot in Roland Norris Drive.

“The motorist alleged that on Monday evening, he parked his vehicle and everything was in order. On his return to the parking lot, he saw that his vehicle was nowhere to be found,” Captain Gwala said. 


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