Margate Moves: Grrr…what a horrible week

Take note the next car boot sale and informal market at Hibiscus Mall is scheduled for next Saturday (19th) from 8am to 1pm. It is definitely worth browsing around the market if you are looking for bargains or that unusual gift.

AFTER 11 days without water Ramsgate residents are not a happy lot. The sabotage of the water system by disgruntled Ugu workers has affected most of the South Coast, but while water trickled back last Sunday, Ramsgate stays dry.

Everyone believed the promises that the supply was going to return to normal after the officials led by a provincial delegation had reached a compromise with the striking workers. But the village is still without water.

Huge thanks must be heaped on Ward 2 councillor Dave Watson for his sterling work in trying to get static tankers to the people and for keeping everyone updated as to the water status.

And it has been humbling to see how local residents have rallied to help one another. Water has been shared and taken to those who are unable to get to water points. These kind folk are saluted.

But there is nothing but scorn for the workers who deliberately sabotaged the system. Those responsible for holding the district to ransom must be charged – they did it last December and chased all the visitors away and because they got away with it then have now done it again. Lives were put at risk and that is selfish and irresponsible behaviour.

Calling the litterati

The much-anticipated Ramsgate Book and Art Festival takes place from November 10 to 12 at various venues scattered around the village.

Hosted by the Ramsgate Conservancy and Ugu South Coast Tourism’s Ramsgate Area Committee the festival is however a community event which has the full backing of the business people and residents. The official opening takes place at the Artists’ Gallery this Friday at 6pm followed by a free Poetry by Candlelight session at Burlesque Cafe from 8pm.

YOU MIGHT ALSO BE INTERESTED IN: All you need to know about the Ramsgate Book and Art Festival

The next day there will be an author’s talk at the Crayfish Inn from 8am. A children’s programme takes place at the whale deck from 10.45am and local art lovers are urged to `Meet the Artists’ at the Gaze Gallery from 10.45am.

Supper theatre will be staged at the Lobster Pot at 6.30pm. And Sunday’s programme kicks off with a meditation session with Bernie Vorster at the whale deck from 6.30am to be followed by a beach ramble.

All-day festival happenings include book talks and art exhibitions and a variety of market stalls will offer fresh produce, crafts, deli food and festival fare.

For more information and tickets for the different shows and events contact Barbie Meyer at 082 4963545 or Pauline Lee at 083 6544303.

Purpose driven

The hard-working Ramsgate Lions Club is embarking on another big-hearted project to ensure all children in the area get a gift from Santa this Christmas. Everyone is invited to the club’s annual Biker Toy Rally which takes place at the community hall in Glenmarkie Road this Sunday (12th).

All bikers – motorcycle and bicycle and bike clubs – are encouraged to support and take part in the initiative. Entry fee is a toy. For more information contact Lion Johann Bentley at 082 5499451.

The club will host a Christmas lunch for the underprivileged on November 19. If anyone can assist by contributing non-perishable food items for hampers they are asked to contact Lion |Johann.

A touch of class

Definitely a front-runner on the South Coast’s classical music calendar is the annual visit by the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra. Their summer symphony series concert will be staged at the Azalea Hall, Margate Retirement Village this Saturday (11th) at 6.30pm. Tickets for the theatre-style show are on sale from the RAC and admin offices or phone the village at 039 3125000 for details. A cash bar will be available.

Still on the music side, guitarist Doc McClean will perform his highly-rated `Cross Bones Blues’ show at Rocky Ridge in Ramsgate on November 21.

Popular event

Take note the next car boot sale and informal market at Hibiscus Mall is scheduled for next Saturday (19th) from 8am to 1pm. It is definitely worth browsing around the market if you are looking for bargains or that unusual gift.

And if all that shopping makes you hungry the market offers plenty of food stalls too. For more information contact Lorraine at 079 8474139.

Arts and crafts

Margate Art Museum is currently displaying an exhibition entitled `Art-Love-Passion-Design’. It features a vibrant mix of local art and crafts and runs until December 4.

One of the talented artists showing his work is 10-year-old Zach Bornmann. There are more than 40 pieces being exhibited at the expo. Well worth a visit.

Good wishes

Celebrating birthdays this week are Jill van Eeden, Bernice Wicks, Craig du Plooy, Vanessa Howard-Tripp, Drew Booysen, Rory Eliot and Finely Hazell (9th), Peggy Young, Delvin Vinnicombe and Madelien Stopforth (10th), Dave Smythe, Vicky Viviers, Lizzie Curran, Joe Houghton, Catherine de Boer and Matt Skellern (11th), Courtney Pike, Michael Haupt and Moira Scholtz (12th), Sugan Naidoo, Tristan Govender, Isabella Snyman, John Webster and Gary Baker (14th), Jemma Mitchell, Shenda Krisch, Kayla Zipp, Colleen Pretorius, Len Duncan and Tracy Kohler (15th).

Happy wedding anniversary wishes go to Dale and Shireen Booysen (11th) and Danny and June Fisher (14th).

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