WATCH: #MargateIsMagic Part 4: Business folk called to get behind Kwela ‘Dorp van die Jaar’

Margate businesses plan to offer incentives for those who vote, so keep an eye out for these special deals.

BUSINESSMAN Kevin Krummeck is urging all businesses to throw their weight behind Margate!

He believes that it is a great opportunity for locals to get the town back on the map.

Here is what he has to say:


Don’t forget to vote!

Voting for the finals will continue via SMS. Everybody passionate about Margate, the South Coast and KwaZulu-Natal, is encouraged to sms MARGATE to 33157 from 8.30pm on May 24 until noon on May 30, 2017 by which time all nine towns in the running will have been announced.

Smses cost R1.50 and cellphone networks need to be in South Africa and Namibia.

Visit the official #MargateIsMagic Facebook page for more


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