Reevana shines at Mrs India Worldwide

The former South Coaster is a wife, mother and beauty queen.

FORMER South Coaster, Reevana Govender (Jagersar)  proudly flew the South African flag high in America recently.

Reevana, who has had a passion for fashion since her childhood years, was crowned second princess and Mrs Photogenic at the Mrs India Worldwide 2016 pageant held at the Royal Albert Palace in New Jersey last Sunday.

Born in Port Shepstone, Reevana matriculated from Port Shepstone Secondary. She is also the current Empress India South Africa title holder.

Reevana, daughter of Ram and Remilla Jagersar of Oslo Beach, is an optometrist employed by Hoya South Africa in Johannesburg. She is married to Chad and they have a two-year-old daughter, Mayil.

At the Mrs India Worldwide pageant she took part in the western/eastern fashion categories.

“I am filled with gratitude and pride and so happy to have a legacy to share with my daughter. It has been an amazing experience,” she said.

She added that she wanted to use her titles to empower and encourage other women and girls to fulfil their dreams of careers in the modelling industry.

“I believe that a woman be a good wife and mother while still following her dreams. We are stronger than we know and we should support and uplift each other.”


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