Terror for Berg hikers

They came under attack by three men with a pack of dogs.

SCOTTBURGH’S Jody Main-Baillie and two friends were nearly stoned, beaten and mauled to death in an ambush while they were camping in the Drakensberg last week.

Jody and his friends Cameron McLean and David Moldenhauer had been planning the hike at Grand Traverse for a year and set off on April 24.

They set up their tents in the valley before Fangs Pass before nightfall.

At about 1am they came under attack by three men with a pack of dogs, believed to be from Lesotho.

“It started off with rocks being thrown at our tents. When the rocks pierced the tents, we were forced to get out and they then attacked us with knobkerries and set their dogs on us,” said Jody.

They had clearly collected rocks before they attacked us. They came at us like bullets.

“ I went down when one of the rocks hit me and one of the dogs ran up and bit me on my back. Dave managed to pepper spray one of the attackers and a dog, but he still took a hit to the head from a knobkerrie and a rock.”

The three friends kept shouting, asking their attackers why they were attacking them, begging them to stop.

They shouted they wanted money.

They kept their attackers at bay for a while with the pepper spray and then decided to flee.

“We said to each other ‘grab what you can’ and we got out of there as fast as we could. We crossed the river and hours later we could still hear the dogs,” said Jody.

I have never been so scared in all my life. I really thought we were going to lose our lives that night. They were ready to kill us.

“Dave has the serious injuries. Scans show that he has a depressed skull fracture and he has blurry vision in his one eye. He has had to have a metal plate put into his head. He also has to have surgery on his left hand to repair his three fingers.”

Jody was also hit on the head, arms and legs and has bite wounds.

“I now have to go through the rabies treatment for the next couple of weeks. Cameron has massive welts all over his body with serious bruising. Between the three of us we got hit about 16 times by rocks and knobkerries,” said Jody.

Jody thanked Stephen Richert, conservation manager of the Royal Natal National Park, as well as his team of rangers.

“You guys were nothing less than amazing and we will be forever thankful to you and your team. Brenda from Witsieshoek, thank you for sending your guides to help and for feeding us as well as trips to the hospital,” said Jody.

Police are investigating, but no arrests have been made.


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