ANC squabbles thwart meetings

In kwaNzimakwe, delegates actually ran away.

IN-FIGHTING in several wards seems to be making it difficult for the ANC to get pre-local government election meetings off the ground.

Meetings convened in KwaNzimakwe wards one, 10 and 11 as well as ward three in Harding and ward 14 in Umzumbe had to be called off, allegedly because of squabbling that even became quite violent at times.

So much so that in kwaNzimakwe delegates actually ran away.

In Harding, the chairman of the ANC Lower South Coast, Tolomane Myayiza, called a meeting with ANC members in an attempt to resolve the situation, but in vain.

At Umzumbe, MKMVA chairman Jackson Zet Mzindle was sent to do ‘damage control’, but it also ended badly.

ANC spokesperson Sipho Dlamalala was contacted and he asked that questions be emailed to him.

He had not responded at the time of writing.


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