Car guard slashed with broken bottle

The guard had apparently earlier prevented the suspect from breaking in to a vehicle.

SCOTTBURGH SAPS are investigating a case of assault with the intention to inflict grievous bodily harm following the brutal attack on a car guard at the Scottburgh beachfront.

Late on a recent Monday afternoon, all the regular car guards had left and the ‘after hours’ car guards had begun to arrive, along with some surfers wanting an afternoon surf.

According to police spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Zandra Wiid, a car guard (25) was keeping an eye on a vehicle for its owner.

Shortly after the owner of the vehicle had gone down to the beach to surf, a man, who is known to the car guard, appeared and made his way towards the vehicle. The car guard spotted the man and realised that he intended to break into the vehicle.

He approached the man and told him to leave. The man then swore at the car guard before storming off.

The car guard assumed that would be the end of the matter but a short while later as he was guiding another vehicle out of a parking bay, he heard glass break.  

“The man had returned, apparently picked up a bottle, broke it and stabbed the car guard in the right cheek before fleeing,” said Lt-Col Wiid.

Paramedics were called and provided the necessary treatment.

The car guard, known only as Clipton, received 16 stitches.

“No arrest has been made but the suspect is known and believed to be from Amandawe,” said Lt-Col Wiid.


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